Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol League

Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol League

Starting on March 9th at 2:00PM

Everyone that wishes to play will purchase a combat patrol ($159.99) and on the first day of the event you will receive your box and get a $40 store credit for supplies and paint!

Seats are limited
, so preregistration will be required to participate
Combat Patrol League Sign up Sheet

Week One
Pick your Combat Patrol box! Building and assembly workshop–AKA, start building your army!

Week Two
Painting workshop! Finish building your box and start painting your Combat Patrol

Week Three
Now that you know how to paint
, finish up painting your army and we’ll discuss some of the core gameplay mechanics of Warhammer 40k.

Week Four
Play a game
! Now that you have your Combat Patrol box, we’ll walk you through how to play a game!

Week Five-Seven
Play Games

Prizing pending, based on week 5-7 performance

*Unless signed up in advance we cannot grantee a specific Combat Patrol Box will be available.

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